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Looking for Deadliest Jobs On Earth?

By Henry Barker

It crosses the minds of many people to take a stab at the Alaska commercial crab fishing jobs after seeing the Discovery Channel TV show 'Deadliest Catch'. This leads to a large number of greenhorns hopping on a plane at the beginning of each new season to brave the variables in Alaska. A large majority of the seasonal workers in the fishing industries in Alaska aren't even native Alaskan residence. Many hail from Washington and Seattle, but they often come from all over the world. It is the sense of adventure and the potential for large cash incentives that motivate them to suppress their fears and ignore the obvious perils of the king crab fishing occupations.

On the other hand, there are career opportunities in the related field that do not pose such great risks. There exist plenty of jobs where one can keep his or her two feet planted on terra firma and even work in-doors sheltered from Alaska's harsh and unpredictable weather. Working in fish processing plants give workers a sense of security because the demand of employers is fairly consistent and the benefits are respectable. Like any manual labor employment, the workers are not immune to danger or potential health risks, but the working conditions are much more stable and predictable.

The most dangerous careers in the world pay a great deal more than working off-site of fishing vessels that navigate the Bering Sea because of the perils that these workers are presented with on a daily basis. The main contributing factor to the danger of these Alaska commercial crab fishing jobs are due to the variability and potency of the Bering Sea and her unforgiving climate. One of the greatest risks for the deckhands is falling overboard because of the quickness with which one can lose their life to hypothermia or drowning after hitting the frigid seawater. Working on an instable deck with gale-force winds and blinding salt spray only adds to the perils that come with working under exhaustion and lack of sleep.

There are other Alaska fishing jobs that do not require working on the decks of these ships yet still earn a good income. They do, however, usually require some sort of experience or training and are not up for grabs for the hungry greenhorns. Fishing boat mechanics or engineers, onboard chefs, and captains are examples of these occupations. These individuals are being compensated for their training or education, and there usually is a necessity for gut instinct and intuition to be successful.

Even greenhorns can earn an extremely great pay with many of these Alaska commercial crab fishing jobs. It is very feasible to earn over 100k every season, and a season only lasts less than six months out of the year. With this incredible income potential even for people with absolutely no experience or formal training, it is no wonder that so many travel north when the fishing boats prepare to undock. This is also dozens have lost their lives already and crab fisherman have the most dangerous jobs in the entire world. For many, it is a last resort option, but once they have been exposed to it, they either never try it again or are fishermen for life.

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