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California Criminal Records Free Access

By Claire Dowell

Everywhere we go, we feel unsecured because of the crimes we hear on the news daily. California criminal records are made open to the public to make the people more aware and be wary of their safety and security.

Criminal records in California are used when conducting a background check on certain individuals. This is done mostly by company owners. They do this to make sure that the people who work for them have clean criminal history and are qualified for the job. By doing so, the company can avoid problems from arising within the company. Ordinary residents of California would also look into the criminal history of the people around them especially if they are new. The records of their nannies, tutors, neighbors, gardeners, friends and even their relatives are being checked to make sure that they are with people who they can trust. It is also used as reference when authorities conduct an investigation. There are even times when the document would serve as evidence presented during court hearings.

Accessing the criminal files of an individual can benefit business owners but it may be the opposite for the individual involved. People who had a previous criminal record usually encounter difficulties in applying a job. Many felt being discriminated because of their previous records. Since employers now prefer to hire those who has a clean history, people who already changed for the better are usually in the least priority during application and promotions. This is the reason why many would request to expunge their records or simply to clean up their files.

As the name implies, criminal records would contain details of one's committed crimes and violations. The document would show whether the person was charged for his crimes or not. If there were charges, the sentence given can also be found on the document. If the individual was not charged for the reported crime, documentation is still made for future reference.

The Public Records Ombudsman is where one can request for a copy of a criminal history in the state of California. To get a copy of the said document, one has to pay for the retrieval process; however, charges may differ depending on the number of pages the record is composed of since the state of California charges 10 cents per page. Also, one has to provide the basic information on the record being requested to simplify the search. One has to provide their contact details to proceed with the request. If going to the state office is not possible, one can also send a request letter. All of the requirements have to be enclosed on the request. It takes 10 working days before the result of the search can be sent back.

To make a faster search, one can request for a copy of a police reports public record through the Internet. The search is done electronically, so it is fast and convenient. There is no need to go to any office since t search can be done even at home and the results are obtained in just seconds instead of the several days.

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