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Ways Of Overcoming Islam ISIS And False Religion

By Stephen Mitchell

Extremism has been on the rise lately due to the existence of ISIS and false religious conviction. The prevalence of dictatorship in countries like Egypt, Syria, and Iraq has led to the rise of this practice. Sycophants easily conform to radicalism because they are usually persuaded through theological creeds like jihad to justify persecution of non-Muslim members where it is a deceitful interpretation of the teachings. The following are ways of overcoming Islam ISIS and false religion.

Prohibition of economic ties with member states. Members that have participated in funding ISIS should be prevented from using international monetary services and having any trade relationship with other countries. All the same, foreign aid that will directly involve contact with the extremists is disallowed, all in attempts to avert possible ways of making money. Nonetheless, these countries are also directed not buy crude oil from them.

Military and political intervention. There are attempts to rebel the dominance of terrorists in affected countries but fall short of strong military power to fight them off. However, it is upon the United Nation Security Council to ensure that they give the necessary workforce and weapons to the rebels. Moreover, conflicts of a point of interest have been realized among members of the Security Council hence the delay of the military aid.

Fairness in government rule. Local citizens who undergo commercial injustice, massive killing, the existence of race discrimination and corrupt regime in Iraq and Syria join this militia. However, if the United Nations and other related organizations support parties in these countries that will ensure that there is balance in governance will help in reducing radical dominance.

Maiming the militia group organization. Intervening military support should focus on the main economic sources of this radical union. In that case, capturing oil fields under their control which act as their main source of income will devastate their operations. Also, their supply of weapons and food sources should correspondingly be destroyed to humiliate their operation further.

Ending animosity between Christianity and Muslim. With the untrue ideology that Muslim is superior to Christianity or the contradictory, may lead to increase of massive killing in the pretense of belief. However, if the non-Muslim states campaign against segregation of Muslim members and have they secure political seats in their governing systems possibly, this will minimize wrong faith teachings.

Lifting Muslim bans in non-Muslim states. After the rapid rise of Islamic radicalization, non-Muslim states adopted bans on Muslim keeping close surveillance on members. Freedom of worship has been neglected which has participated to the rise of extremism. These states should let Muslims feel as part and parcel of the states by letting them enjoy their rights like other citizens.

The awareness on the rise of the existence of this militia. Ignorance on the teaching of Quran has led to deceitful teaching on Islam as a religion. Affected states can organize local conferences and assembly to sensitize them on these teachings. All the same, this is vital to reduce the wrong thoughts that have been impacted on citizens confined to the Quran teaching to which are the factors that have led to the rise of terrorism.

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