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Story Of Survival That You Cannot Believe You Are Reading

By Jose Carter

If you think you are having a difficult time in your life right now, well, think again. There are certain people who defied all odds just to survive. Some of them live to tell their side of the story and this might interest you a lot.

Story of survival is actually popular nowadays especially that some of them were made into a movie to inspire people. In here, you will get to read most of them and learn from what they have gone through. Maybe in the end, you may say that your life might not suck at all, so start reading.

One man went sailing through the ocean by using the boat that he has made, a small one to say the least. And because of the dimension, it could not withstand the condition of the water, thus, it sank. The person was afloat only by using a shaft, a makeshift spear, and low food by the time he was located.

One guy decides to go snowboarding on the night but lost his way back which propels him to veer the path alone. He has nothing, only a player that he recreated to serve as a compass. He faced temperatures and almost fell on rushing water until he found his way again with frost bites and a severely damaged leg.

Two climbers were off to climb a mountain when a sudden snowstorm made the trek even more dangerous. They resorted to tying themselves up, only for one to fall and injure his leg. The other climber got the idea to lower his friend from the mountain only to cut it off again because of the snowstorm but luckily, they were found alive.

It was a trip but two brothers found them in a difficult situation when one break his leg from an impact of a boulder. To save his brother, he went alone back to their campsite only to get lost. But he got, reported the said incident and fortunately, the two were saved.

The inspiring story of a surfer exploded in the world when as young got attack by a shark, causing her arm to be ripped apart. She did not cry, she used her good arm to swim to shore where here other friends were waiting while she screams over the others. She did not stop from surfing though and until today, she is still inspiring people to live.

A hiker found himself in a challenging position when he was thrown into a canyon and trapped his arm in between a boulder. He was running low on supplies so he snapped his arm and cut off his flesh with the use of a knife. After that, he climbed to the surface where other hikers saw him.

These stories are serving people a lesson as well as having to be cautious if one decides in going out. But to those who are involved in such are actually continuing their life to be inspirations for others. Read for some others out that are available on line right now.

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