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The Ever Fun Loving And Loyal Golden Retriever

By Carol Fox

Pets are common residents of a home. One stands out, in particular, has earned the moniker as mans best friend. This creature plays many roles as an adopted member of a family. It can guard against home intrusions and is known to protect its master in times of danger. Beyond that, it is fun to be with as it can be trained to do things that can entertain the owner. You can have one of these golden retrievers by purchasing it from Yellow English Labrador Breeders.

In olden times people learned how to domesticate wild creatures. It started with the domestication of animals that were not afraid of mans presence. To this end, humans tamed animals that became beasts of burden like the ox which dragged carts, carried heavy loads, and was the primary puller of the plowshare. This is clearly recorded in cave etchings and paintings.

Another milestone in domesticating animals is the increase in food resources. The taming of such animals like the goat, the sheep, and the cow gave added food provision for their milk and meat. These creatures are frequently mentioned in old religious and cultural texts. No more can the impact be felt more greatly than in the agricultural industry that produces livestock.

It really is difficult to determine when these were domesticated or how they managed to enter into human lives. Legend has it that an injured wild dog or some would even say a lone wolf got left by the pack to fend for itself. Whatever the circumstance some say that this injured creature managed to find its way near a mans hearth. In pity, the man began to feed the creature scraps of food and because of this, the man earned the friendship and loyalty of this creature.

How the breed came into existence. This type of dog is very popular in present times. During the early days this breed as better known as the Saint Johns dog. The original color was a light shade of brown and early breeds had coats that glittered like gold. This gave rise to the name of a golden retriever. It was only later the word golden was replaced by the word yellow on the premise that gold is actually not a color.

These dogs are of medium size and build. However, they are so well gifted with speed, sight, and smell. These characteristics have made them favorite among hunting sportsmen. The creature is highly intelligent and can easily follow the commands of its master. They are also favored by police forces and the military as they are very keen on sniffing out contraband materials.

This breed is known to be fun loving, pleasant, playful, and possesses a very even temperament. It likes to romp at almost anything, both living and inanimate objects. It has an almost weird penchant for retrieving things that are thrown and seems to relish bring it back to the person who threw the object. Because of its hyper activeness, it is recommended by the trainer to have them leashed up while still young.

As an extended member of a family. This pet is often cared for just like any family member. It is fed, provided with its needs, like sleeping cots and eating bowls. Most high breed ones are fed with scientifically developed canine food which abounds in the market. Families bring these pets to the veterinarian when they are not well, just like what they would do for a family member.

A dog sometimes just cannot be one. It is funny and enjoyable to watch this creature trying to become like their masters. Their loyalty to humans is unique among the animal kingdom making it the most beloved pet of all time. It knows how to project sorrow over a loss of someone, It knows how to project excitement and fun during times among children.

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