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A Guide To Hiring An Attorney Who Knows How To Register Trademark For Business

By Dorothy Murray

When you start a company, it is important that you do all it takes to protect your brand. However, when you are just starting your entrepreneurship journey, you may not know how to register trademark for business. In such a case, it is important to hire an expert in the process using the guide provided below.

Find possible attorneys. Getting the attorneys to consider for your intellectual property law needs is not difficult. This is because there are numerous avenues that you can use to locate such professionals. First, you can ask other entrepreneurs to offer you referrals to experts that they have used previously. Also, you can search online for other trademark lawyers offering their services around. It is recommended that you choose about five specialists to consider further.

When consulting the intellectual property experts that you have shortlisted, it is critical to begin by looking into licensing. There are many unscrupulous practitioners around who find ways of providing their services with requisite licensing. It is important that you do yourself a favor by avoiding them. And so, look for a credentialed lawyer who is capable of providing you with the legal counsel you need.

Experience is definitely another significant factor to consider when looking for a suitable attorney. In this respect, ask the specialists you are assessing the period of time that they have practiced patent law. An experienced expert will know how to review your application to point out any risks that it might run into. Consequently, they will advise you on what must be done to minimize such risks.

You also need to check the track record of the lawyer you are examining. Do this by asking about the number of patents that they have successfully registered on behalf of their clients. It is critical that you choose someone who has completed numerous registrations before. This is definitely an indication of their extensive knowledge of the procedures to be followed. Also, you want a person who focuses on intellectual property law.

Ask about database. A skilled expert with an excellent reputation will not use just any database. Contrarily, they will invest in a robust system that is not only accurate but also has the best features. Therefore, consider the kind of database that each of the experts you are thinking of hiring uses. You want to avoid anyone who uses free databases that are usually lacking in terms of accuracy.

You should also ask the lawyer you are vetting about their charges. Comparing fee estimates from different legal counsels is vital, especially when you are on a budget. However, you should not choose a patent law expert simply because they charge lower fees. Instead, you need to be sure that they will handle your application professionally and complete it in time.

Ask about availability. Depending on the issues it runs into, your trademark application can take a long time to get finalized. Within such a period, you will require lots of updates from the professional you select. Therefore, you should choose a lawyer who is committed to regularly communicating any significant developments. Finally, do not ignore your instincts when picking on your intellectual property attorney.

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