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Discovering The Relevance Of Emotional Intelligence In A Workplace

By Helen Williams

Humans are born with different skills and abilities. Some might be good with Mathematics and a logical thinker. Some might have spatial intelligence and could do well with visual concepts. Others might be musically inclined as well. Regardless of their intellectual differences, one must certainly not ignore their interpersonal skills. Everyone actually has it but it is their choice if they want it to develop or not. Now for the real deal. You would know how important EQ is in this article and having an emotional intelligence certification will surely reap you some of its benefits in your working environment.

You definitely have met some persons in your life whose intelligence is in superior level. And those individuals usually graduated with honors. At some point, you might somewhat compare yourself to them until some slight jealousy surface inside you. Nevertheless, you should not downgrade yourself just because your grades are not that high. When diving the world of profession, grades that came from a paper-pencil test will not matter anymore. It is more about performance and most importantly, your attitude.

You certainly have taken an IQ test at your school. Basically, it is a standardized test which measures the intellectual capacity of your brain. On the other hand, EQ focuses on different aspects. It determines the measurement of social and self-awareness, social skills and self-management of a person. When your EQ is higher, you are very capable on comprehending the emotions of others as well as managing your own.

So let us go back to employment setting. Of course, individuals with logical skills are qualified to be employed. But employers also look for those individuals who are also emotionally intelligent. Nevertheless, what do you think are the benefits of having an emotionally intelligent employees?

Teamwork will definitely be a good one when workers have a sense of collaboration. Collaboration comes with interacting and understanding. When employees have it, they could certainly work together and make their ideas into reality. In addition, a company will surely get some benefits from it.

Working place will also not be too toxic when employees know how to respect and adjust with one another. When problems occur, everyone will likely know on how to deal with it professionally. As a result, conflicts will lessen and everyone will learn to adjust.

Third, your leadership skills will surely be improved. Because you could empathize with others, managing your workers will certainly not be too difficult for you. This is very crucial because it could help a team leader to motivate, influence and persuade his teams through understanding and empathizing with them. Aside from that, you would also not have difficulties in adapting to changes.

Aside from that, self-management will also be enhanced. Because you understand well how your emotions work, you also know on how to manage it. Knowing the ways of managing yourself properly will definitely help you in keeping yourself away from troubles and also stress. In addition, you clearly know as well what your weaknesses and strengths are.

Do not be discouraged if you keep on getting low grades on your class. As long you certainly know how to collaborate with others, you still can be successful. For that reason, never neglect your emotional intelligence.

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