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North Carolina Criminal Records Available

By Claire Dowell

North Carolina Criminal Records are reports that have been submitted by different enforcing agencies of the state. This can be the Police Department, Sherriff's office, or the highway patrol. This document is one of the file that has been made open to the general public in accordance to the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act.

The document primarily focuses on the crimes committed by the individual. It would contain details about the misdemeanors where the individual has been involved with along with the actions taken against it. Additional information includes the schedule of any court sessions where the individual will have to be questioned. The description of the individual are also indicated on the file. This includes any markings on the body like scars, tattoo and birth marks. The photo taken when the individual was reported is one of the things that can be found on the file.

Background check is one of the common reasons for accessing the criminal records of an individual. This is true for employers. Employers nowadays are very careful with the selection process of their employees. This helps prevent problems in the future thus making them save any financial cost it may need. Criminal records are one of the main sources of information used by investigators when they are doing their work. The document is also used as evidence in a court hearing. In addition to that, it is not only employers and investigators request for a criminal record but local residents of the state would request to check their personal files to ensure that the information on their files is correct.

It is necessary to know about the guidelines in obtaining a copy of a criminal record. Local residents can only access their own file. A court order is then necessary if other people want to request for the record of another individual. Information about the document that is being obtained is needed in order to make the search easier. Also, the contact details of the one who request for the record has to be indicated on the request form. This is done to easily track the document.

Criminal records in North Carolina can be obtained at the office of the Department of Public Safety of the state. This is where all types of criminal records are being archived. Retrieval of the record can also be done at the office of the agency which reported the incident. One has to spend time in obtaining the document. The fastest time that the file can be obtained is 2 hours but if there are conflicts and issues, it can take at least 2 weeks or ten working days. This long wait time has improved with the use of the Internet.

With the emergence of the Internet, retrieval of the record is now easier and convenient. It has eliminated the need to go to any office to obtain a copy of a record since the request can be done at home. There are a lot of websites that offer to do the search for you. A free criminal records search can be done online, but paid search is mostly preferred by many because of the quality of results obtained from it.

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