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Why Buy Expensive Furniture When You Can Build Your Own With Woodworking Plans

By Ted P Roger

The craft of woodworking has seen a massive resurgence of popularity in the past few years and to those already practising this art form, it's no surprise - woodworking is a fantastic hobby that furnishes a real feeling of satisfaction upon the completion of a successful project.

You're not alone in your love of working with wood, a quick internet search will show you just how many other people are writing and speaking about woodwork projects on other websites and online forums. But what makes the craft so popular and why is it seeing such a huge increase in practitioner numbers?

Simple, in a quick throwaway, pre-packed world, the vast majority of people don't make things anymore with their own hands. Even entire countries have now lost major manufacturing bases as stock is designed, mass produced and shipped from the other side of the world.

Fifty years ago, a carpenter would've made the pieces of furniture in your lounge and the chances are they would've been made fairly local, using local materials and skills. With the advent of mass production, most furniture is now made in China or bought from IKEA. There is nothing necessarily wrong with this, but the wood isn't always of top quality and you will own a piece of furniture that another hundred thousand people also own, you don't mass produce bespoke items.

Wouldn't it be great if you could make your own bed or dining room table set? What about building your own shed from scratch or a beautiful carved bench for the back garden using reclaimed wood? Even small items like spice racks or simple shelving could give your home a unique touch. Are these skills beyond you? Not with a decent set of woodworking plans and the mentality to step back in time.

Now unless you've just left school or can actually remember your wood shop classes, the chances are your woodcraft skills will be like your hammer - a little rusty. That's where woodwork plans come in and get you on track from the word go.

There is so much worthless rubbish on the internet nowadays that it's great every now and again to come across something worthy. For a reasonable price you can purchase woodworking designs that will teach you everything you need to get started and improve as a woodcraftsman.

If you've read this far you're clearly very interested in taking up woodworking as a hobby, so let me provide you with a blueprint for success, but most importantly, enjoyment.

Research and source quality woodworking plans; look for a product that includes a large number of design plans, designs that include 3-D diagrams, video tutorials, a support network and most importantly in the modern world - a money back guarantee. That way you'll be more inclined in the first place to purchase the plans and get started instead of making up reasons why you can't take the chance.

Good plans should be easy to follow, but detailed enough so you're not left guessing at dimensions or assembly instructions. These plans should include materials lists and tool lists. A list you can take down to the local hardware store will make getting started even easier.

Once you're ready to go, pick a nice simple project to begin with. Something simple that you're likely to succeed with and not something complicated that you'll lose interest in or fail. This is a hobby for enjoyment, so don't make it a chore. Start simple, learn skills, build experience and expand into larger projects.

Keep your plans close at hand and refer to these when you get stuck. Soon you'll be saving hundreds of dollars on furniture and creating gorgeous unique pieces of furniture that will be the envy of your friends and give you immense pride.

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